The Weekly: 3.9.23

The Fourfold Gospel

This Sunday, we wrp up our series, The Fourfold Gospel as we look at Jesus Our Coming King.

What is The Fourfold Gospel?

The term fourfold Gospel describes the historic emphasis of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada (C&MA) on the person of Jesus Christ. These characteristics of Jesus and His ministry are what defined the C&MA more than 100 years ago, and they continue to be the foundation of our Christ-centred, Spirit-empowered, Mission-focused work today. Our founder A.B. Simpson’s life was transformed by encountering the power and presence of Jesus and it is our hope that you encounter Him as well.

The pitcher symbolizes Christ our Healer. It speaks of oil for divine life and physical healing.

The crown stands for Christ our Coming King. He will come back to this earth and reign forever.

The cross typifies Jesus Christ our Savior. He died on a cross for our sins, and only through Him can we be made right with God.

The laver illustrates Christ as our Sanctifier. The laver—a large basin used in God’s temple for washing—represents cleansing from sin by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Its Easter Egg Candy Time!

Its that time of year! We need candy to fill our Easter Eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt. We need individually wrapped “fun size” candy. Bring the candy with you on Sundays and drop them in the bin in the lobby on Sundays.

We will be recruiting volunteers for the day of the hunt soon, so save the date: Sat April 1, from 10 am-1 pm

Easter Invite Cards

Easter weekend is one of the best opportunities of the year to invite people to church. Over the next few weeks, we will have simple invite cards available on Sunday mornings, which you can use to ask those who are close to you but far from God to join us on Easter weekend for worship.

Youth Group

Join us on Wednesday Nights from 6:00pm-8:00pm for Youth Group at Lansdowne Alliance Church! Our weekly Youth Group is a time for students in Middle School and High School to join together in community for a time of games, worship, dinner and snacks, and a devotional time along with breaking into Small Groups for discussion with their leaders. This past week, we began a 5 week series where we will be unpacking the different stages of Jesus' trial that He endured on His journey to the cross. Please be praying for the Youth and the Youth Leaders and that each week would be a great time of fellowship and discussion.Youth Group